
Unseok Lee

- D3 student of IPLAB


- Finger Controller : Natural User Interaction using Finger Gestures(HCII2013)

- Finger Identification and Hand Gesture Recognition Techniques for Natural User Interaction (APCHI2013)

- TouchPair : Dynamic Analog-Digital Object Pairing for Tangible Interaction using 3D Point Cloud Data (ACHI2014)

- Touch Recognition Technique for Dynamic Touch Pairing System and Tangible Interaction with Real Objects (International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems)

Research Interests

- Tangible Interaction

- Augmented Reality Interface and Interactons

- Hand Gesture

- 3D Sensing, Recognition

- 3D Interface


My Blog (Korean)

Interactive Programming Lab

Department of Computer Science

Graduate School of System and Information Engineering

University of Tsukuba


Last modified: 1th Nov 2015